I always put my houseplants in a clay pot with a hole in the bottom after I take them home in their plastic containers. Learned from experience that it's way harder to over-water when they're in a clay pot! Loved your anecdote/memory -- so symbolic :).
Very sensible! And I don’t think you can beat that beautiful, natural, terracotta colour, indoors or out. Plus clay containers tend to come with readymade drainage holes, which is always nice - I really resent having to drill/punch holes into plastic pots.
This makes me feel less awful about all of the houseplants I’ve accidentally killed. I was worried it was just me. I refer to my sunroom as the plant dungeon, where green things go to await water torture and their slow, miserable deaths... there are several shriveled specimens languishing in there now :-(
You are not alone! I mean, your plants hate you… But it’s not personal! I’m done feeling guilty - better just to enjoy them while they’re with you, and thank them for their service once they depart this mortal coil.
Ahh it’s too easy to do! And I recently discovered my neighbour has been secretly leaning over my balcony to water my plants which she complains look too dry, so they often inadvertently get a double water!
Interesting! I do have some watering globes, but they're horrible big plastic ones that I deploy outdoors, when abandoning my tomatoes for a long weekend, or the like. I have seen that you can get some more decorative ones, so I might look into this! Do you have any advice for how to get the globe-spike into the soil without spilling water everywhere???
I always put my houseplants in a clay pot with a hole in the bottom after I take them home in their plastic containers. Learned from experience that it's way harder to over-water when they're in a clay pot! Loved your anecdote/memory -- so symbolic :).
Very sensible! And I don’t think you can beat that beautiful, natural, terracotta colour, indoors or out. Plus clay containers tend to come with readymade drainage holes, which is always nice - I really resent having to drill/punch holes into plastic pots.
This makes me feel less awful about all of the houseplants I’ve accidentally killed. I was worried it was just me. I refer to my sunroom as the plant dungeon, where green things go to await water torture and their slow, miserable deaths... there are several shriveled specimens languishing in there now :-(
You are not alone! I mean, your plants hate you… But it’s not personal! I’m done feeling guilty - better just to enjoy them while they’re with you, and thank them for their service once they depart this mortal coil.
Ahh it’s too easy to do! And I recently discovered my neighbour has been secretly leaning over my balcony to water my plants which she complains look too dry, so they often inadvertently get a double water!
Wow, that is BONKERS. I mean, I know people sometimes feed their neighbours’ cats, but watering someone else’s plants is a new one on me.
Hence the reason I have two dogs. I’ve never, ever, EVER been able to keep a houseplant alive.
It’s hardly surprising is it? I wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the rainforest!
You’ve made it all make so much sense!
Love the Celia anecdote!
If it’s the first time you’re hearing it, it certainly won’t be the last!
True story. I know . I was there. Guilty as charged.
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!
Interesting! I do have some watering globes, but they're horrible big plastic ones that I deploy outdoors, when abandoning my tomatoes for a long weekend, or the like. I have seen that you can get some more decorative ones, so I might look into this! Do you have any advice for how to get the globe-spike into the soil without spilling water everywhere???
Very useful advice, thank you. And the globe you linked to there looks lovely. Much more lovely than the ones I use outside (similar to these horrible things: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/165538509380?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28&var=465074953403)