Feb 23, 2022Liked by Dan Masoliver

Bought those Amazing Grey Poppy seeds 2 years ago…. fabulous…… last year rubbish😱sticking with sweet peas… Cobaea cream and the purple…. Ricinus.. Ammi…. Daucus carota Purple Kisses and trying Coleus well not me!! the head gardener!!

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Oh that’s interesting about the grey poppies - did they not self-seed? Or did you collect seed after year 1 and sow that, with no luck? I absolutely love Ricinus communis, but have never tried it myself. Maybe this should be the year! Though I’m not sure how seriously to take the warnings about its toxicity, especially with a little one roaming around the garden here… Have you ever had any issues with it?

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Dan Masoliver

Poppies didn't seed .....bought new!!....weather perhaps an issue..

Ricinus is fabulous..never had a problem. (children were warned) but grow away from tiny exploring fingers...it is highly toxic!!

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I’ll be sure to shove it at the back of the border if we do end up going for it. Though sounds like it might be one for a few years down the line!

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I've bought more seeds than I can keep track of! I'm especially excited about some heirloom tomatoes, sweet corn and acorn squash. Also, I'm going to try sweet peas again. Last year, the rabbits ate them all so wish me luck!

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Those pesky wabbits! Is there a direct correlation between how cute an animal is and how much of a pest it is in the garden? I’m thinking rabbits, squirrels, deer… Not that I have to worry about any of these in my garden. I’ve got some sweet pea seedlings in the cold frame that I sowed before Xmas - checked them this morning and they have been discovered by a friendly neighbourhood slug/snail. All of which is to say: good luck!

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That's the tricky thing - if the rabbits are chewing on a bunch of grass or a weed then they're the cutest thing in the world!

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Haha yes! If you’ve got enough space you could always try planting a patch of rabbit-friendly food - like radishes or something. Though I’m not sure if that would keep rabbits off your other plants, or just invite them in for an all-you-can-eat buffet!

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Funny, Stocks & Green got me via Insta recently too. I went for some 'Salmon Baby' Nasturtiums...

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Et tu, Stuart? My commiserations. But also, NICE choice! The nasturtiums in our garden have gone native and keep popping up all over the shop, so it would be completely reckless of me to get any more of those. Then again…

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